Monday, August 25, 2008

No space for James...

We picked up our brand-spankin-new RV today. I absolutely KNOW in my head that this is the right model for us. It has a beautiful big window in the back--in our bedroom, but visible through a glass door from the living area. This helps make the RV feel so much bigger than most models. Plus, Jakob and Anna have a cozy room up front, with plenty of drawers, doors (to shelves), and cubby-holes (for toys and treasures).

So...why does it still feel WRONG? Eventually, I figured out the reason... There is no space for James. There is a sofa-bed for guests...but no bed set aside for him, no place to store his books or clothes, the table only seats four, the frig is tiny, there is no space for cockatiels, and on and on it goes.

I KNOW we never would have bought this RV at this time if James was still with us. I KNOW it is the right model for us now. I KNOW these things...but it still feels wrong.

There is no space for James...